Wednesday 5 December 2012

Grid can be imagined to be a distributed environment with heterogeneous systems that consist of enormous data files. The dimensions of a grid are not always the same. Moreover, one single grid can be used for several purposes. Grid computing can be easily distinguished from other traditional systems such as cluster computing in such a way that a grid is more loosely coupled, is heterogeneous and widespread.
Grid computing can also be referred as ‘Distributed Computing’. It is a Parallel Computing technique that depends on computer systems linked to a network through traditional network interfaces. This is in contradiction to a Supercomputer in which a number of processors are connected by a local
high speed computer bus.
CPU Scavenging leads to the creation of a grid by taking the dormant resources present in a computer network. CPU Scavenging uses the instruction cycles of a desktop computer which would have been wasted by just waiting for an input from the user or from an input device.

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